Jadine – This is what a storyteller looks like.

Jadine is articulate, thoughtful, critical, and imaginative student who has cerebral palsy. She’s a reader, a writer, a storyteller. She loves poetry and finds the written word both powerful and freeing. She loves discovering poets and authors who can capture exactly what she is thinking or feeling. She finds writing her own poetry and short stories healing and therapeutic.
Going into her last year of high school, Jadine is starting to think about college and university programs in creative writing. Her dream is to become an author and motivational speaker. But she’s not quite done with high school yet. She’s created an accessibility committee at her school and plans are underway to make it more accessible – not so much for her, but for future students with disabilities who come through its doors. She’s determined to see new ramps installed, as well as new accessible doors and washrooms that will make getting around easier for students of all abilities. This is what a storyteller looks like.