Liam – This is what a scholar looks like.

With a passion for learning, Liam loves history. Entering Grade 10 this fall, Liam hopes to learn more about historical events, particularly war history. He’s fascinated with famous political figures like Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt, who he is quick to point out, was the last U.S. president with a disability.
Moving to more modern political leaders, Liam does a mean impression of former US presidents George Bush senior and junior. His dream is to one day meet Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and launch into an intense political discussion. It wouldn’t be the first time Liam has spoken in front of a world leader. This summer Liam, who has autism, spoke at the UN’s headquarters in New York City about the rights of people with disabilities.
What does he want to be when he grows up? A history teacher, of course. This is what a scholar looks like.